Our Science
HSC Reprogramming
Over 90% of our body’s cells are blood cells. Made in the bone marrow by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we can replace these cells through bone marrow transplantation. We aim to produce large numbers of rejuvenated HSCs for transplantation.
Autophagy Enhancement
Autophagy is a fundamental cellular process involving degradation and recycling of their components, helping to clear and prevent accumulation of protein aggregates and damaged biomolecules. The program aims to boost autophagy, starting with a small molecule inducer.
Microglia Therapeutics
We have replicated and expanded upon the rejuvenating effects of plasmapheresis in academic literature. We are now pursuing potent effects that we have observed in the brain, with the aim of creating a more scalable therapy than apheresis.
Tissue Reprogramming
We are developing safe gene therapies to slow down and reverse aging in vivo aiming to prevent, stop, or revert age-related diseases.